Monday, 15 April 2013


Title: Sweet Flowers
Medium: Mixed Media
Dimensions: 15 - 25cm (approx.)
Date: December 2012

These are photographs of flowers I made out of sweets, all made as part of my colour project.
Title: Foxgloves
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 60 x 80cm
Date: February 2013
Title: Poppies
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 60 x 80cm
Date: February 2013

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Title: Foxgloves On The Map 
Medium: Acrylic on a map 
Dimensions:100 x 80cm
Date: March 2013  

Friday, 15 March 2013

Title: Page From My Sketchbook
Medium: Wallpaper, Pen, Pencil, Tipp-Ex Pen
Dimensions: 2 x A3 Pages
Date: February 2013

This is a page from my sketchbook on my current project about flowers and landscapes. I took a wallpaper sample and drew on to it from other wallpaper designs. I really like the overlapping effect.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Title: Flower Collage
Medium: Magazine Pages
Dimensions: A3
Date: March 2013

This is a collage I made from magazine images. My intention was to make a collage of how one of my paintings could look. I could use collages like this one to make a painting. I really liked the effect of this collage as it reflects my passion for colour. I am going to do more collages with different images, and make collages out of my own photos.

Summer Fields
Acrylic on Canvas
60 x 40 cm
May 2012

I exhibited this painting at Lindfield Art Festival in May 2012 and I sold it there, it also won the Highly Commended award at the festival.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Title: Summer flowers and water

Medium: Acrylic on Board

Dimensions: 60 x 80 cm

Date: June 2012

This is an acrilic painting I did last summer with artist John Thompson, he taught a group of us at Nymans Gardens how to paint this kind of painting. I learnt how to paint using my fingers and ends of paint brushes. I also like how I learned to create the look of water using paint. 

John Thompson's website